Benefits to Fat Transfers

Fat transfers might not make you think “cosmetic procedure,” but it turns out that they can be an excellent tool for enhancing your appearance. A fat transfer procedure is more commonly used than you might think and can bring about amazing results in multiple areas throughout the body. They can be used to fight against aging, smooth out areas that aren’t as supple as they used to be, and even sculpt the desired appearance of areas such as the labia.
What is a Fat Transfer, and How is it Done?
A fat transfer procedure is a simple procedure that involves taking excess fat cells from one area of the body and injecting it into another. This is beneficial for reducing sagging skin and plumping other areas, such as the face or the labia, while using fat cells from the patient’s body, which will reduce the risk of infection or side effects.
Fat transfers can be done on the following locations on the body:
- Lips
- Face
- Hands
- Neck
- Buttocks
- Labia
- Breasts
- Scars and skin concerns
While fat transfers are most commonly performed on the labia and buttocks, they are also performed on other areas, such as the face, to help fight wrinkles and other signs of aging and plump up the face and make skin appear more youthful.
What Are Some Benefits to a Fat Transfer?
A fat transfer procedure has many benefits. Depending on the areas of the body being treated, you may see some of the benefits, including:
- Smoother skin
- Evened out areas, such as the labia
- A fuller appearance
- Reduction in scars and skin concerns
- An increase in self-confidence
- Fewer wrinkles and other age-related concerns
These benefits can change the way you see your body, giving you the ability to sculpt it as you see fit.
The results of a fat grafting procedure are long-lasting and often give patients a look they desire without the need for painful surgeries that cost a lot of money and take a lot of recovery time. The look and feel associated with a fat grafting procedure also tend to be more natural, smooth, and preferable, especially when it comes to fat grafting procedures involving the breasts or the buttocks.
Fat transfers into the face can offer results similar to that of a facelift, which means that for a fraction of the price of a facelift, you can see long-lasting results with minimal side effects. The procedures can also be done under local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, and are offered as in-office or outpatient procedures. The recovery time is also low because there aren’t any significant incisions made on the face or body.
To learn more about fat transfers, or to set up an appointment, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!