Botox For Crow’s Feet Wrinkles

Getting older doesn’t always happen glamorously. While for some men and women, it can happen, and it isn’t always that noticeable, for most individuals, there are telltale signs that can show your true age. Fine lines and wrinkles happen to be some of those signs. When it comes to aging and wrinkles, some of the most dreaded lines that are noticeable are crow’s feet. These pesky little wrinkles around the eyes can be a nightmare for some, as they allude to aging and can make your face seem older. However, there are some ways of dealing with these wrinkles, such as plastic surgery. Many individuals don’t opt for plastic surgery, whether due to the steep price tag, lengthy recovery time, or personal beliefs. For some, another way to treat crow’s feet wrinkles is available: botox. Botox has been used to treat fine lines and wrinkles for years – including those crow’s feet wrinkles found around the eyes.
What Are Crow’s Feet?
Crow’s feet lines are wrinkles that form due to aging, although other factors may speed them along. They are natural and happen with aging, although they may be considered unsightly. While many people have crow’s feet, they might not understand exactly what they are or what to look for. When some say that they have crow’s feet, they are referring to the fine lines that form around the corners of the eyes. Squinting and smiling are two ways that crow’s feet form, so if you are having trouble seeing or do a lot of laughing, you might see these lines pop up sooner. Smoking, genetics, and not using proper sun protection are a few more ways that crow’s feet can form.
A Bit About Botox
Botox can be a huge help when it comes to combating crow’s feet, although some may not understand exactly what it is or how it works. Others may question the safety of Botox, including whether or not it can be used so close to the eyes. Actually, Botox is considered so safe that it has actually been approved by the FDA!
So how does Botox work? Botox contains a toxin known as botulinum toxin type A, which works by freezing the muscles in the area it is injected into. As it freezes the muscle, it smoothes out the fine lines and wrinkles around it, causing them to fade away or disappear altogether. While Botox is more widely used for cosmetic purposes, it has also been approved by the FDA for medical purposes as well, such as migraines – making it one of the safest fillers on the market.
Why Choose Botox for Crow’s Feet?
If you are looking for a great way to reduce the appearance of or eliminate crow’s feet wrinkles altogether, Botox can be a great choice. While other fillers can also work to get rid of crow’s feet, Botox is not only regarded as one of the safest, it is also one of the most effective at combating fine lines and preventing them from getting worse in the future. Because of this, it can also be seen as a type of preventative care toward keeping these fine lines at bay. Botox will work by freezing the muscles in the area around the eyes, smoothing out the lines and wrinkles, and practically erasing them altogether. Because of this, Botox is a favorite to get rid of pesky crow’s feet! Within a few units of Botox in each area surrounding the eyes, you can practically erase them altogether and look much younger and more radiant.
Benefits of Botox
Unlike plastic surgery, which can be pricy and require lengthy recovery times, Botox has virtually no downtime – in fact, you can even get it done on your lunch break! Botox is also cleared by the FDA, so you can rest assured that the procedure you are having is recognized as a safe way to treat wrinkles and fine lines.
Another benefit of choosing Botox is its low risk of side effects or complications. Of course, there are still some to be aware of, such as redness, bruising, or swelling at the site of the injections.
If you are interested in getting a Botox treatment to help get rid of crow’s feet, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to help you!