Botox for Migraines: How Botulinum Toxin Became a Headache Solution

For those who suffer from chronic headaches, the search for relief might seem neverending, and you have probably tried a variety of different treatments to help. Whether you are looking for relief for chronic migraines, sinus headaches, stress headaches, or cluster headaches, chances are you are sick of having headaches altogether and looking for something that will treat them once and for all. Luckily, an alternative to traditional medicine is often offered for those suffering from headaches, and while you may not think of it as a type of medication, it can actually work. Botox has been used to help treat those suffering from migraines for quite a few years now. But you may be wondering how a beauty treatment can help.
What Are Migraines?
Migraines are headaches that can cause severe pain in one or both sides of the head. It can also be associated with other concerns, such as light sensitivity, sensitivity to sounds, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. For some individuals, migraines can become so severe that they cannot do their daily activities, often landing them days in bed. Migraine sufferers can also have headaches that get so bad or are so frequent that they need to seek medical care in order to treat them.
What is Botox?
Botox, which contains the Botulinum toxin, became known for its ability to “freeze” certain muscles in the face and body. Because of this, it has become a popular beauty treatment for those who wish to fight against fine lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging. While Botox is primarily used on the face, it can be used on other areas of the body and has even been found to help with certain medical problems. It not only helps hide fine lines and wrinkles but can also treat issues like urinary stress incontinence and migraines.
How Does Botox Help Migraines?
Since Botox works by freezing the muscles in the area of the injection, it can work wonders for those who are suffering from chronic migraines. When Botox injections are given for migraines, they are often administered in several locations, such as the forehead muscles, the muscles in the back of the head and neck, and the shoulders. Not only will it help the muscles in these areas from moving around too much, but it also blocks certain proteins in the blood that can lead to headaches. This results in more migraine-free days each month – so fewer headaches for you!
It is important to know that Botox for migraines does not treat migraines that you are already in the middle of. However, Botox can help prevent these headaches instead. Once your doctor has given you a chronic migraine diagnosis, you should be able to easily obtain insurance provider approval to undergo migraine treatment using Botox. Since this is a medical treatment, it is usually covered by insurance, but you will need to contact your provider to check and make sure that it is covered.
Is Botox for Migraines Safe?
When it comes to Botox, you may wonder how safe it can be. Luckily, you will be happy to know that Botox for migraines is quite safe and can be even more effective at treating chronic migraines than some medications. Since Botox for migraines is a treatment that focuses more on prevention, it is likely you will not suffer from so many migraines per month, meaning a lot fewer harmful medications that you will have to take to treat said migraines. You will also be able to minimize the potentially harmful health concerns that come with certain medications, such as acetaminophen, as well as side effects that can cause a host of problems on their own. In fact, the side effects and risks of Botox are far less than the harmful effects of many drugs – both over-the-counter and prescription.
If you are interested in learning more about how using Botox for migraines can be beneficial to you or to schedule a consultation or appointment, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to get you scheduled!