Can Labial Puffing Be Achieved With Hyaluronic Acid Fillers?

There are a lot of newer treatments available that can help with a variety of body issues – even those that are great for helping you achieve your desired look down there. One such type of treatment, known as labia puffing, is becoming more and more popular as a minimally invasive way to help “puff” up the labia. Since the labia can begin to sag or become uneven with age or due to hormones, childbirth, or weight loss, many women seek out ways they can combat this through cosmetic gynecological procedures, and luckily, not all of them have to be surgical or complicated – some of them, such as labial puffing, work wonders for combatting this condition.
What is Labia Puffing?
Labia puffing is a cosmetic procedure that can be done in your doctor’s office through the use of fat transfer or fillers. The procedure is a quick, non-surgical option that is easy to do and carries little risk of side effects.
Labia puffing is done by injecting fat from elsewhere on the body into the labia or by using fillers to puff up the labial area.
How is Labia Puffing Done?
Labia puffing is done from the comfort of your doctor’s office – since it is not a surgical procedure, you will not need to worry about anesthesia or having to go to a hospital or surgery center in order to have the procedure done. It only takes a short amount of time to do, and results can be seen immediately after the procedure.
Once you arrive at your doctor’s office, you will receive an explanation on what will happen during the procedure. Then, your doctor will begin the procedure. Depending on if you choose to use a fat transfer procedure for labia puffing or fillers, the procedure will differ only slightly. If you are using a fat transfer procedure, you can expect fat to be removed from other areas of the body, such as the buttocks, thighs, or abdomen. The collected fat is then injected into the labia to achieve the desired look.
If you are using fillers in order to get your desired look through labia puffing, you can expect the treatment to be shorter, as fat will not need to be removed from elsewhere on the body first. Instead, the filler solution is injected into the labia in order to provide the patient with the desired look.
Can Labia Puffing be Done with the Use of Fillers?
Yes, labia puffing can be achieved through using fillers in order to create the desired look. It is perfectly normal and a popular choice to choose using fillers, such as those containing Hyaluronic Acid, to use in your labia puffing procedure. In fact, many individuals choose to go this route for different reasons.
What are the Side Effects and Risks of Labia Puffing?
When doing a labia puffing procedure and taking side effects and risks into consideration, it is important to note that how the procedure is performed is key to what you need to look for. For example, if you receive a labia puffing procedure and choose to use your body’s own natural fat tissue to puff the area up, you will not have as many risks and side effects as if you are using fillers because you would be receiving your body’s own natural tissue. This makes the risk of rejection almost zero.
However, if you choose to use fillers for a labia puffing procedure, you may run the risk of your body rejecting the fillers or having an allergic reaction to them. These are both quite rare and do not happen often at all.
Expect bruising, redness at the injection site, and mild swelling, no matter which method you choose for your labia puffing procedure. This can typically be treated through the use of over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, as well as cold packs.
If you do notice signs of infection or rejection, however, be sure to contact your doctor immediately in order to combat the complications.
If you would like to learn more about labia puffing, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be more than happy to assist you!