Can Spider Veins Be Permanently Removed?

Spider veins – nearly everyone has heard of them or seen them on someone at some point. They are the unsightly blue, purple, or red lines that crop up on the body, and tend to cause a lot of issues with self-confidence. You might not be able to go through the summer without noticing them on at least one person, but what happens if you find them on your own body? You may be wondering if you are stuck with these marks for life, or whether you will be able to enjoy clear skin again. Many people who are suffering while dealing with them wonder how they can get rid of them, and if so, if the results are permanent, or if they will come back over time. The good news? Treatments such as sclerotherapy can actually help get rid of spider veins!
What Are Spider Veins?
Spider veins, which are so named due to their appearance of being very fine varicose veins, are a concern that both men and women have to deal with in their lives. These unsightly blue, red, and purple lines can often be found on the legs, hands, and even the face, and tend to look like a star burst, or a spider – hence the name spider veins. While they can develop at any age, as you get older you might find them cropping up more and more. While they are typically not harmful, they can be considered a blemish that you may want to get rid of.
What Causes Spider Veins?
For most people, the cause of their spider veins is unknown, because they frequently appear on their own, out of the blue. However, there are some causes of spider veins that are clearer than others, such as obesity, smoking, changes in hormone levels, trauma, and genetics. Some people even believe that if you work a job that involves a lot of time on your feet, you are more likely to develop spider veins as you get older. Either way, once you have spider veins, they typically do not go away on their own.
Can Spider Veins Be Removed?
While spider veins can be annoying or embarrassing, it is important to know that they can, in fact, be removed! While painful and time-consuming surgical procedures used to be the norm for removing spider veins, there is now a newer and highly effective way to reduce or eliminate spider veins altogether (and permanently!) – sclerotherapy.
What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a procedure that can effectively remove spider veins from an individual. While it is not always one hundred percent effective in all individuals, it has an incredibly high success rate for removing spider veins from all areas of the body, such as the legs, hands, and face.
Sclerotherapy works by injecting a sclerosing solution, such as Asclera, into the spider veins through a very small needle. This solution then causes the veins to collapse, essentially making them disappear permanently. While the treatment usually only takes between fifteen and forty-five minutes in your doctor’s office, you will probably need several treatments in order to see full results. Many patients often find themselves starting to see results with only two treatments, however.
Once the veins are treated and have collapsed and disappeared, you can rest assured that the treatment should be permanent, allowing you to go back to having confidence that you look your best!
There is little to no downtime with sclerotherapy, and the risks are minimal. This makes it much more preferable to surgical procedures.
Is Sclerotherapy for Everyone?
While becoming more and more popular, it is important to note that Sclerotherapy is not for everyone. In more severe cases of spider veins, it may be necessary to explore other options, such as surgical options, that might work better for you.
If you would like to learn more about spider veins or how Sclerotherapy can reduce or eliminate their appearance, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359.