Comparing the Top Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries in 2020

With the new year comes new resolutions, and many people are choosing to change things about themselves in order to be happier with their bodies and get a boost of self-confidence. Many women find themselves considering many cosmetic procedures, including cosmetic vaginal surgeries that can do a lot for sexual satisfaction, self-esteem, and even comfort.
Outlined below are some of the top cosmetic vaginal surgeries in 2020, what sets them apart, and what each procedure is good for.
Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries
The Labiaplasty procedure is probably one of the best known cosmetic vaginal procedures available. This procedure can focus on either or both the labia majora or minora, and is performed by removing any excess tissue from the area that occurs from an elongated labia. This tissue can cause discomfort during exercise, wearing tight clothing, sexual intercourse, and can cause a woman’s self-esteem to plummet. The labiaplasty procedure is often paired with other cosmetic vaginal procedures but can be performed on its own, as well.
A vaginoplasty procedure is meant to focus on vaginal tightening for loose and lax vaginal muscles. When it comes to a vaginoplasty, there are both surgical and non-surgical options to choose from. Non-surgical options, such as Femilift, is a great choice for women who are looking to tighten up their vagina without undergoing surgery, as well as having no downtime.
A more permanent approach, however, is a surgical vaginoplasty, which can be done by your doctor and offers a more controlled approach. There is a longer downtime, but for more severe cases, such as when the bladder is affected, a vaginoplasty is a great procedure to help resolve issues and tighten up the area. This procedure is also known as a vaginal rejuvenation procedure.
A monsplasty procedure is a procedure that focuses on the area around the pubic bone or the mons pubis. This is the fatty layer of tissue that surrounds the pubic bone. Often times, many women may find they are not happy with the appearance of their mons, or it may cause them discomfort while wearing tight clothing. This procedure uses a liposuction-like technique to remove excess fatty tissue in this area, remove excess skin, and sculpt and tighten the area. The procedure has quick recovery time and little chance of side effects.
Labia Puffing
Labia puffing, while not exactly a new procedure, is gaining more and more popularity. A labia puffing procedure is done when a woman seeks to have her labia “puffed,” or increase the size of the labia, even out the labia, or sculpt the labia to give her the look she desires. This is done by taking fillers or the body’s own fat cells (through a liposuction-like procedure done on other areas of the body) and injecting them into the labia. This procedure has almost no downtime, and many women find that it is virtually pain-free.
Clitoral Hood Reduction
A clitoral hood reduction is a popular procedure that focuses on removing excess tissue around the clitoral hood. By doing this, it helps to reduce the amount of tissue surrounding the hood, which can show through clothing, or dampen sensation to the clitoris. This simple procedure, which is done using CO2 lasers and dissolvable sutures, is usually combined with other vaginal procedures, such as a labiaplasty.
If you are interested in learning more about any of these procedures, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today. The friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer any questions or get you set up with a consultation.