Hair Restoration: The Process, Recovery, and Expected Results

While looks aren’t everything, for many individuals, taking care of their looks is very important to them. One part of our looks, our hair, can be a source of pride for many men and women alike. So when we begin to notice our hair thinning or falling out with regular washing, brushing, and proper care, we may begin to get a bit concerned. While hair loss is more common as we get older, that certainly doesn’t mean that we can’t fight against it. In fact, did you know that hair loss and thinning are actually quite treatable? By using a treatment known as PRP Hair Restoration Therapy, you can once again relish having thick, stunning hair without the use of harmful chemicals that can cause other health concerns.
What is PRP Hair Restoration Therapy?
PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, involves the use of a patient’s plasma, which is harvested through a blood draw. The blood, which is rich in plasma, can be used to treat various skin conditions and disorders by stimulating the production of collagen and helping to heal damaged tissue – in this case, the hair follicles. Injecting the plasma into the scalp can help increase blood flow to the area and can, in turn, stimulate hair growth in the hair follicles.
How is PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Administered?
PRP Hair Restoration Therapy is an effective way to treat hair loss, and is becoming more and more popular among those seeking treatment for hair loss. But you may be wondering how it works.
The first step in the process of PRP Hair Restoration is to get a small blood draw done. After the blood is drawn, the tube of blood is taken and placed into a centrifuge, where it will be spun until the plasma separates from the blood. Then, the plasma can be harvested from the blood. During this time, a numbing agent is applied to the scalp in the areas to be treated for hair loss.
The next step involves taking a very small and thin needle and injecting the platelet rich plasma into the scalp in the areas where hair loss and thinning are prominent. The treatment typically takes between thirty and forty-five minutes for most patients.
What is the PRP Hair Restoration Recovery Period Like?
When it comes to PRP hair restoration, there isn’t much in terms of a recovery period. After treatment, it is important to keep the area out of direct sunlight. You also should avoid using any harsh chemicals on the treated area for around forty-eight hours following your treatment.
Some bruising, redness, and swelling are normal. You may also notice a small amount of pain or tenderness in the treated area for a few days. However, since PRP treatments involve the use of the patient’s own blood and plasma, you should not expect to see any harsh side effects or rejection from the treatment.
What Results Should I Expect From PRP Hair Restoration Therapy?
As with other treatments for hair loss and hair thinning, PRP hair restoration therapy is another type of treatment that will have varying results from person to person. However, it does show promise to be a good treatment for most individuals. Most often, results will begin presenting themselves within five to six months after treatment. While this may seem like a long time for results to present themselves, please keep in mind that PRP therapy focuses on repairing the hair follicles, so it may take longer than other treatments.
It is also important to note that results are not permanent. You may find yourself needing to repeat treatments, and you and your doctor will determine a schedule in order to best suit you and your individual needs. Typically, individuals will need at least one treatment annually in order to keep results from fading.
If you would like to learn more about how PRP hair restoration can help you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to get you set up with an appointment for this amazing procedure that can change the way you look at hair loss!