How Does the P-Shot Help Those With Diabetes?

Living with diabetes can be a challenging life experience. Another challenging experience is living with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). But living with both of these conditions at the same time can cause a great amount of pressure, both physically and mentally. While these conditions are taxing, especially together, the good news is that scientists are finally beginning to understand how they interact better than ever – including ways to help treat ED in patients with diabetes. The P-Shot is becoming a more and more popular way to safely treat ED for patients with and without diabetes.
How does Diabetes Cause Erection Problems?
Diabetes can be a difficult condition to manage. It has a direct effect on blood flow, which of course can alter the body’s ability to form and keep an erection. If blood sugar is not properly regulated, you may see that you have a difficult time obtaining an erection, as well. Because of this, diabetes can be a cause of ED in those suffering from both issues.
What is the P-Shot?
The Priapus Shot, also known as the P-Shot, is a platelet-rich plasma treatment for erectile dysfunction. The P-Shot involves taking a small sample of blood, separating the platelet-rich plasma from the blood, and then injecting it into the penis. While this may sound painful, a numbing cream is applied beforehand, making the procedure almost completely painless.
How is the P-Shot Helpful for Diabetics with ED?
Diabetics suffering from ED can benefit greatly from the P-Shot. This procedure can help deliver the needed stem cells and plasma directly to the penis, which can improve collagen and help with obtaining an erection, as well as endurance. Here are some of the ways that the P-Shot can help diabetics with ED:
- Better and increased blood flow to the penile area
- Repair of nerves that have been damaged due to diabetes
- Erections that are harder and longer-lasting
- Increase in penis size
- Increase in penis sensitivity
- Increase in sexual stamina
Who is a Good Candidate for the P-Shot?
Men of all ages can utilize the P-Shot to help them with ED due to diabetes. It is important to remember that if you have diabetes, it is important to control your blood sugar through diet and lifestyle changes. It is also vital to discuss any treatment with your doctor beforehand, as he or she will direct you in the best course of treatment for your particular health concerns.
If you would like to learn more about the P-Shot, including how it can help you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!