How is a Monsplasty Done?

While there are a lot of different cosmetic procedures available in the world of gynecology, there are a few certain ones that have been gaining more and more momentum when it comes to popularity. As women seek more and more empowerment and are taking even more control over their looks, more and more procedures that allow for this type of customization are being invented and are on the rise. One such treatment that has gained popularity lately is the Monsplasty. This procedure is ideal for women who are struggling with the appearance of their mons pubis and who would like it to look more aesthetically pleasing, whether for themselves or a partner.
What is a Monsplasty?
Unlike a vaginoplasty or a labiaplasty, the monsplasty focuses on changing the appearance of the mons pubis, or the soft and fleshy mound of skin and fat that covers the pubic bone. This area is located above the labia and below the abdomen, and covers the pubic bone. For some, the appearance of the mons pubis can be bigger than they would like, which in turn may leave them wishing there was something that could be done to tighten and flatten the area a bit, giving it less of a bulging appearance. This procedure is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. You may still be wondering how, exactly, a monsplasty procedure is performed. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about your surgery.
How is a Monsplasty Performed?
Since a monsplasty is not a lengthy or invasive procedure, it can be coupled with other vaginal procedures as well, or done on its own. For the procedure to be done on its own, you will arrive at the center, and before it begins you will either receive local anesthesia or general anesthesia – it depends on the amount of work to be done on the area, as well as a patient’s comfort level. Once you receive anesthesia, the doctor can begin performing the monsplasty.
The first thing that is done during a monsplasty involves the doctor giving you an injection into the skin to block any feeling (especially important if you are only receiving local anesthesia, which allows you to remain awake). Next, your doctor will make a small incision in your pubic area (which is done in an area that is covered up by a bikini), and use a special type of liposuction to remove any excess fatty tissue from the mons pubis. Next, any additional skin that remains and is no longer needed will be removed as well, by using a small scalpel.
Once the fatty tissue and excess skin are removed from the area, your doctor will begin to suture up the incision. Care is used while doing so, in order to create a tight, firm appearance. The doctor also pulls up the muscles in the area to help keep the area looking taut, firm, and sculpted.
Once this is done, other procedures can be finished up as well (if you are combining the monsplasty with other procedures), or else your procedure is finished and you will be brought out of anesthesia to recover.
After a Monsplasty
After your monsplasty procedure, you should more than likely be able to return home the same day. Taking it easy is important – you will have some pain and mild bruising in the area, but it should not exceed two or three weeks. Avoiding heavy lifting, exercise, and following your doctor’s orders are essential to a quick and speedy recovery. After a few days, you should be taking light, slow walks to encourage healthy blood flow, and ease back into your everyday routine from there. Sexual activities should be put on hold for anywhere from three to six weeks after the procedure to ensure proper healing. All in all, recovery from a monsplasty on its own is rather quick and easy.
While rare, complications do occur. If you notice severe pain, nausea, redness, fever, or an apparent infection in the incision site, it is important to speak with your doctor right away.
If you would like to learn more about the monsplasty procedure, as well as other procedures that you can opt to have in order to sculpt the perfect body for yourself, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 to schedule a consultation!