Old Wives’ Tales About Fertility That May Ring True

After spending so many years trying to not get pregnant it seems crazy to think that conceiving involves such precise timing and effort. But the window when the egg can successfully meet the sperm is quite small. That’s why some women start looking to holistic methods or “old wives’ tales” for solutions.
Since these tidbits of wisdom are rarely backed or proven by scientific studies, they are often dismissed as superstitious myths. Still, there are some that doctors say may lead to increased fertility. For example, cough syrup containing guaifenesin can thin and loosen the cervical mucus which makes it a more welcoming home for sperm. And the traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, can help regulate hormonal imbalances, increase blood flow and alleviate stress. Read below for some more tips for conceiving.
Food for Fertility
- Pineapple: While everyone has heard of alleged aphrodisiacs such as oysters, in the same vein there are many claims that certain types of food will help increase fertility. One widely spread belief is eating pineapple core will help a woman conceive. Pineapple, particularly the core, is loaded with a blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain. This may help during implantation if consumed while ovulating.
- Honey and Cinnamon: Adding a little honey and cinnamon to your diet could also help bring a baby along. The amino acids in raw honey help the ovaries run and are beneficial to the overall reproductive system. Add in some cinnamon, which helps blood flow, and we may have a sweet recipe for baby-making success.
Skip the Stress
Worrying about having a baby can have the adverse effect. Increased anxiety and stress can raise cortisol levels which, in turn, hampers ovulation and decreases blood flow to the uterus. Also, orgasms are more likely when stress isn’t a factor. Those orgasm-causing contractions help to more efficiently suck up the sperm, kind of like a vacuum.
Sperm Likes Spontaneity
This statement is not necessarily true (although no one has proven otherwise), but the point here is that trying to have a baby can take a lot of the pleasure out of that once so pleasurable experience. The truth is that when women are in the mood, that’s often the body signaling that they are fertile. Head to bed when the urge strikes and a baby may be on the way in 9 months!
Raise Them Up
Making sure the sperm sticks around a little longer can also increase a woman’s chances of pregnancy. Doctors recommend keeping the legs propped up for 15 minutes after ejaculation.
Always use caution and common sense and, of course, talk to your OB/GYN for further advice and answers to your questions regarding fertility. Schedule your consultation with Dr. David Ghozland today by calling us at (310) 393-9359.