Postpartum Healing and Reconnection: Navigating Intimacy with the O-Shot After Childbirth

Having a baby is a big deal – especially for moms! Not only does she need to care for a newborn, but she also needs to care for herself during her postpartum recovery journey. This can be a daunting task, no matter how many children you’ve had – plus, you may be worrying about how your body looks and how it feels after giving birth. Luckily, there are things that you can do to help get your confidence back and navigate through the murky waters of intimacy after having a baby. If you are worried about not being able to achieve the same level of intimacy as before, fear not – a treatment known as the O-Shot can actually help you get that connection back and maybe even have a better intimate life than you did before!
What is the O-Shot?
Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful and exciting experience for women. However, the journey of childbirth can also bring about physical changes and challenges, particularly in the realm of sexual health and intimacy. Many women experience issues such as vaginal laxity, decreased sensation, and urinary incontinence following childbirth, which can impact their confidence and intimacy with their partners. Fortunately, the O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, offers a promising solution for postpartum healing and reconnection, helping women reclaim their sexual vitality and strengthen their bond with their partners.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP Therapy)?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a type of therapy that involves injecting the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma back into them in targeted areas in order to help regenerate tissue growth and repair cell damage. This procedure is done by taking a small blood sample (think a tube of blood similar to a blood draw), which is then placed into a centrifuge and spun to separate it. Once this is done, the plasma is then injected into a specific area of the body that is to be treated. In the case of the O-Shot, it would be injected into certain areas in the vagina and around the clitoris in order to help restore and repair tissue, “tighten” the area to combat vaginal laxity, and help improve sensation and improve the strength and frequency of orgasms. PRP therapy is a very common procedure that carries little to no risk of complication or side effects due to it using the patient’s own plasma and requires no downtime. The procedure can be done quickly and effectively during lunch hour or during a quick appointment in the morning or afternoon, and you are free to continue your daily activities afterward.
Postpartum Changes and Your Body
Childbirth can take a toll on a woman’s body, leading to various physical changes that may affect sexual function and intimacy:
- Vaginal Laxity: The stretching and expansion of the vagina during childbirth can result in vaginal laxity, causing feelings of looseness and decreased sensation during intercourse. This can lead to a lack of satisfaction when it comes to sex.
- Decreased Sensation: Nerve damage or trauma during childbirth can lead to decreased sensation in the vaginal and clitoral areas, impacting sexual arousal and pleasure. For this reason, many women find that they have trouble reaching orgasm or are not able to have as many orgasms as they did before childbirth.
- Urinary Incontinence: Weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, often exacerbated by childbirth, can contribute to urinary incontinence, causing embarrassment and discomfort during intimate moments.
How Can the O-Shot Help with Healing and Intimacy After Childbirth?
Tissue Regeneration
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, used in the O-Shot, promotes tissue regeneration and collagen production in the vaginal and clitoral areas. This can help improve vaginal tightness, elasticity, and overall tissue health, restoring comfort and sensation during intercourse.
Enhanced Sensitivity
PRP contains growth factors that support nerve regeneration and function. By stimulating nerve tissue in the vaginal and clitoral areas, the O-Shot can help enhance sensitivity and sexual pleasure, facilitating a deeper connection with your partner.
Improved Bladder Control
For women experiencing urinary incontinence postpartum, the O-Shot can strengthen pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control, reducing leakage and discomfort during intimate moments (as well as through everyday moments, such as laughter and coughing).
If you are interested in learning more about the O-Shot, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to help get you scheduled!