Real Housewives Star Seeks Vaginoplasty; Extreme or No?

In an upcoming episode of the Real Housewives of Cheshire, one of the women makes plans to undergo a procedure tabloids are dubbing ‘a designer vagina.” In reality, OB/GYN professionals all across the county, including Los Angeles physician Dr. David Ghozland, are fielding questions from women who want to know about vaginal rejuvenation or “vaginoplasty.”
According to Dr. Ghozland, vaginal rejuvenation surgery is far from frivolous. Women in all seasons of life, from new moms to those who are post-menopausal may seek surgical assistance for vaginal changes that can occur over time. One of the most common reasons a woman might seek surgical intervention is a desire to achieve vaginal tightening. Childbirth and hormonal changes can cause the vagina to loosen and lead to many unwanted side effects, including incontinence and diminished sexual pleasure. A “designer” vaginoplasty can rectify these concerns, and many others, resulting in:
• Improved vaginal muscle tone, strength and elasticity
• More satisfying sexual intercourse
• Increased control over urinary incontinence
• Cosmetically enhanced vaginal appearance
With realty TV putting vaginoplasty procedures in the news, many women may wonder what exactly the procedure entails. Vaginoplasty is essentially a surgical procedure that tightens the vaginal muscles. While the procedure can have cosmetic benefits, it is most often pursued due to health reasons. Your consulting physician will consider your overall bladder health for starters. Because your vaginal muscles help maintain the integrity of your pelvic organs, slackened muscles can lead to health concerns such as a prolapsed bladder, where the bladder sinks into the vagina. The result is chronic pain and incontinence, all repairable using vaginoplasty surgery.
After childbirth and/or menopause, some women find that their vagina has significantly loosened. During intercourse, this may result in decreased friction and sexual sensation for both them and their partner. Women can also experience weakened vaginal muscles as a complication from a previous surgery. Regardless of the cause or symptoms, designer vaginoplasty tightens the muscles of the vagina, allowing them to contract more effectively for improved health and sexual pleasure.
While cosmetic concerns are not the number one reasons to seek vaginoplasty, they are equally valid. During vaginoplasty, your doctor may use a technique called labiaplasty to remove excess and/or uneven labial tissue from the vaginal lips. This is a simple yet effective gynecological procedure that improves the aesthetic appearance of woman’s vaginal area and can boost a woman’s self-confidence.
Like any surgical procedure, vaginoplasty should only be performed by a board certified, experienced surgeon, after careful consideration of all of your options and your desired outcome. Dr. Ghozland says that many of his Los Angeles patients are very satisfied following vaginoplasty. Far from being an outlandish desire documented on a reality program, vaginoplasty is a real life medical option for treating real gynecological conditions.