Should You Be Considering a Perineoplasty?

Many women – those who have experienced childbirth and those who haven’t – may have wondered whether or not they would make a good candidate for a perineoplasty. A perineoplasty is a procedure that can be done for a variety of reasons, although childbirth, excess weight, and vaginal stretching are the main reasons women seek out this procedure.
What is Perineoplasty?
A perineoplasty is a procedure that is done to help tighten the vaginal muscles and repair tissue in the area between the vagina and the anus. This tissue is often stretched or torn during childbirth, and when this occurs, vaginal looseness may occur, as well as scarring and disfigurement. A perineoplasty is a procedure that is essentially a perineal repair; it helps to tighten the vaginal area as well as reduce any scarring or other issues that might be found in that area.
How is a Perineoplasty Performed?
A perineoplasty is usually performed with mild sedation coupled with local anesthesia in order to help the patient relax so the procedure to be as painless as possible. The perineal repair procedure typically takes under an hour and is performed with a fractional CO2 pixel laser, where the doctor can create incisions in the vaginal area and remove scar tissue. Then, the area is repaired by bringing the tissue back together with dissolvable stitches.
While many women opt to have this procedure done during a vaginoplasty, it can be performed on its own as an outpatient procedure.
What is Recovery from a Perineoplasty Like?
When you undergo a perineoplasty procedure, recovery is like that of a lot of other vaginal rejuvenation procedures – the recovery time is typically a week or so, with slight bruising, swelling, and redness. Some pain is common for the first week or so, and most patients who receive the procedure find themselves returning to work and normal activities within a few days.
Who Makes a Good Candidate for the Procedure?
If you are a woman who has given birth, has vaginal stretching or looseness, or are experiencing other concerns such as decreased sexual sensation or changes in bowel habits, you may actually be a good candidate for perineal repair. This procedure can truly help to bring tissue together, tighten and strengthen muscles, and give you an increase in sexual satisfaction.
If you are interested in learning more about the perineoplasty procedure or would like to find out if you are a candidate, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!