What is ThermiVa?

When it comes to being happy with ourselves and our bodies, it is always important to keep on top of the latest technologies and procedures that can help us achieve our dreams. We live in a day and age where it is easier than ever to become a better version of yourself – from weight loss to cosmetic surgery. More and more treatments are cropping up on the market every year – including procedures that can help you regain a more youthful appearance and feeling even around the vaginal area. While many of these procedures require women to undergo surgeries or have a lot of downtime, there is a wonderful treatment that doesn’t require either of these: ThermiVa. But what exactly is ThermiVa, and what can it do for you?
What is ThermiVa?
ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment. This treatment, which can be compared to a non-surgical vaginoplasty, works by tightening up lax tissues in the vaginal area, increasing moisture to help with vaginal dryness, increasing sensation during intercourse, and helping women achieve better sexual satisfaction during intimacy. It can also tighten and improve the appearance of the labia majora, or the outer vaginal lips. Because of this, it has often been referred to as the “non-surgical vaginoplasty.” ThermiVa is also used to help women suffering from urinary incontinence, and since it isn’t a surgical procedure, it is one of the first things that can be tried.
Who is a Good Candidate for ThermiVa?
Women who are not pregnant or trying to get pregnant are good candidates for the ThermiVa treatment. Since ThermiVa can treat the following conditions, women who are experiencing vaginal laxity and dryness due to the following may be good candidates for ThermiVa:
- Aging
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Childbirth
- Hysterectomy
- Surgery
- Genetics
- Childbirth
As women go through their lives, they may find that the amount of collagen in their bodies is not the same, which can cause vaginal laxity. Hormone imbalance, such as what occurs in menopause, can also affect the body’s natural lubrication, so ThermiVa can help with that, as well. Finally, an enlarged labia or a looser vagina can actually be detrimental to a woman’s sex life – it can cause friction, discomfort, and even pain for women who are dealing with these issues.
How is ThermiVa Performed?
ThermiVa is a procedure that is done using radiofrequency waves, so it is safe, pain free, and effective. The procedure does not require any anesthesia and can be done in as little as thirty minutes in your doctor’s office. It is done by using radiofrequency waves to target the vaginal walls, as well as both the labia majora and labia minora. Most patients receive three treatments for full effect – the initial treatment, and then once a month after, and then again a month after that. The results from ThermiVa last from nine months to a year and maintenance treatments are often recommended in order to prolong the results after that time period.
Since ThermiVa is non-surgical, you do not have to worry about any downtime or recovery time from the procedure. You will not need to stay in a hospital, unlike with traditional surgical rejuvenation. Most patients refer to the procedure as being relatively pain free, so you do not need to worry about taking time off of work or not being able to carry on with your daily activities and responsibilities.
What are the Benefits to ThermiVa?
There are many benefits to ThermiVa, including the following:
- Better control over urinary incontinence
- Increased sensation during intimacy
- Enhanced muscle tone
- Improves vaginal laxity and tightens muscles
- Reduces the size of larger labia
- Stronger and more elastic vaginal tissues
- Decrease in urinary and yeast infections
- Pain free
- No recovery time, unlike traditional surgical methods
If you would like to learn more about ThermiVa for vaginal rejuvenation, or to find out if this procedure is right for you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359!