Can the P-Shot Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction (or ED for short) is one of those problems that, while we don’t usually like to talk about, is still present in daily life for many men worldwide. ED affects men of all backgrounds and can cause a problem with self-esteem, relationships, and feeling confident both in and out of the bedroom. Luckily, there are treatments that can help with erectile dysfunction – and they don’t have to include burdensome pills. This new, helpful treatment is called the P-Shot, and it is being used to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction – successfully – every day.
What is the P-Shot?
The Priapus Shot, also known as the P-Shot, is an injection that can help eliminate erectile dysfunction in men dealing with the issue. This treatment has a high success rate thanks to its delivery: the P-Shot is actually an injection of the patient’s very own plasma from their blood, which is rich in platelets and can be used to treat a wide variety of concerns – erectile dysfunction being one of them. Since it comes from your own body, it makes it more effective than other treatments available on the market.
How is the P-Shot Performed?
The P-Shot is a simple procedure that is performed in the doctor’s office. If you have knowledge about other Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) procedures, you may know what to expect. If you do not, have no fear – this outpatient procedure is simple and has a meager chance of any side effects or risks.
The P-Shot is performed by the doctor, first collecting a small blood sample from the patient. If you have given blood in the past or have had blood work done, you probably already know what to expect. This very small blood sample that is given is then placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma is separated from the rest of the blood. This plasma is then put into a syringe.
Using a numbing cream to help numb the area, the doctor will then explain what will happen next: the syringe containing the platelet-rich plasma will be injected into the numbed penis. Afterward, a penis pump is used for roughly fifteen minutes.
Can the P-Shot Effectively Treat ED?
Yes, the P-Shot can effectively treat those who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Results from the P-Shot can be seen almost immediately following the treatment, and many men have noticed an increased length and girth, as well. This can help restore self-confidence both in the bedroom and out.
If you would like to learn more about how the P-Shot can treat ED or to find out if you may be a candidate for this revolutionary procedure, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!