Easy Steps for Preventing Early Menopause

Going through menopause is never a matter of “if” but “when.” While many factors will influence your natural menopausal clock, there are several things you can do to prevent yourself from becoming menopausal before your time, including the use of bio replacement hormone therapy.
Are you at risk?
Age 51 is typically when most women will experience the onset of menopause. For some, a family history, being under or over weight, excessive smoking, or having undergone any type of chemotherapy or radiation treatment could all present risk factors for early menopause.
Fitness matters.
Regular exercise can delay menopausal symptoms by regulating your hormones and keeping your fat levels low.
Avoid cigarettes.
Smoking is proven to trigger early menopause due to the chemicals in cigarettes that cause the early die off of a woman’s eggs. Studies show smoking can accelerate menopause by as much as four years.
Limit alcohol.
That glass of Cab is not going to trigger menopause on its own, but too much alcohol consumption can exacerbate other risk factors, so indulge in moderation.
Try bio replacement hormone therapy.
Hormone replacement therapy options have expanded in recent years and it’s still considered a reliable, go-to therapy when it comes to hormonal-induced health problems like premature menopause. One option you might discuss with your doctor is the MesoPellet® bio replacement hormone therapy. Recognized for being among the most effective when it comes to delivery system, this therapy utilizes tiny pellets that are botanically derived from yam or soy-based sources rather than synthetic formulas. This is beneficial because the bio-identical makeup mirrors the natural structure of hormones found in your body. Your doctor will customize a formula for you that will then be ordered from a special compounding pharmacy.
Unlike creams or pills that require daily use, the pellets are actually inserted under the skin near your hips during a simple, painless, in-office procedure. Your hormone supply will last as long as four months and you can feel confident that the inserted pellets will release a customized balance of estrogen, progestin, testosterone and other essential hormones identified by your lab work to help you avoid the symptoms of early menopause.
If you think you have risk factors for early menopause and want to learn more, schedule your consultation with Dr. Ghozland to see if bio replacement hormone therapy is a good option for you. Call us today at (310) 393-9359!