The Orgasm Shot, or the O-Shot, is a fantastic procedure that can work wonders on the body – and not just for the reasons it was named! Menopause can be […]
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The Orgasm Shot, or the O-Shot, is a fantastic procedure that can work wonders on the body – and not just for the reasons it was named! Menopause can be […]
After menopause, it’s common for a woman’s vagina to feel as though it is not functioning in quite the same way it did when they were younger. While for some, […]
If this summer felt hotter than usual, it may not just be the heat; it might be you. If you’ve noticed hot flashes cropping up more often, along with a […]
As our bodies get older and begin to change, it is easy to spot the differences and come across aspects that are no longer the same as they were when […]
As women we hear so much about menopause – the symptoms, when it will start, how it feels. But perimenopause? Not so much. What is Perimenopause? As the name indicates […]
Sometimes it takes a star to make a point. And thanks to a new campaign launched by AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Cheryl Hines has center stage. The actress is now a […]
Walk. Swim. Lift weights. Doctors are constantly espousing the value of exercise. Staying active will help you sleep better, keep your heart healthy, your joints supple, your mind depression-free and […]
Sorry, but it’s not good news. Those horrible hot flashes and night sweats don’t necessarily disappear once menopause ends. According to a new study recently published in the Journal of […]
When that change of life commonly associated with middle age hits early, it’s often misdiagnosed or missed all together. Menopause, when a woman’s ovaries stop functioning and menstruation ends, usually […]