Less Than a Quarter of Women Over 50 are Sexually Active: Here’s Why

As our bodies get older and begin to change, it is easy to spot the differences and come across aspects that are no longer the same as they were when we were younger. One such change that occurs in a woman’s body is menopause: almost every woman goes through this change and has to deal with the uncomfortable side effects that come with it. Side effects such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and loss of interest in once enjoyable sexual activities are common. However, there are procedures available to help with these issues, such as Vaginal Loosening.
Why Women Over 50 Aren’t as Sexually Active
Many women over the age of 50 are not as sexually active as they were when they were before they hit menopause. One of the reasons for this is because sexual interaction has become less enjoyable and less satisfying as it once was. It can be painful, even. Painful sex is a symptom of a condition known as dyspareunia.
What is Dyspareunia and How is it Treated?
Dyspareunia is a condition that causes painful sex in women who have reached menopause. While dyspareunia can affect women of any age, it is commonly associated with women who are over the age of fifty. This condition causes women to experience a painful burning or tearing sensation during sexual activity.
There are many different ways to treat dyspareunia, from hormone replacement therapies and creams, extra lubricant during intercourse, and even vaginal dilators to help create a wider vaginal opening to lessen pain during sex. However, many women may not have success with these methods and may require something a little different.
Intimate Renewal for Dyspareunia
If sex has become painful or uncomfortable for you, and you have tried other methods to relieve the pain and make sex enjoyable again, you may have an interest in a procedure known as The Intimate Renewal. The Intimate Renewal is a multi-step procedure offering dyspareunia treatment that combines several other procedures, such as lasers, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, medications, and surgical procedures to help enlarge the vaginal opening and make sex more enjoyable again.
The laser portion of the Intimate Renewal procedure is also known as a LAVA procedure. The LAVA procedure stands for Laser Augmentation of the Vaginal Area. The LAVA procedure is a very effective dyspareunia treatment and can help treat painful sex in a minimally invasive way.
To learn more about Intimate Renewal and learn if you are a candidate for the procedure, call Dr. Ghozland today to schedule a consultation!