Is Femilift Safe For Stress Incontinence and Vaginal Laxity?

When it comes to vaginal procedures, many are on offer, with each one promising to help with a specific problem or offering solutions to concerns you may not have even considered! There are procedures to help change the overall look of the vagina, procedures to help with medical concerns and some that can do both! An example of one of these procedures that can do both is vaginoplasty – a surgical procedure that can change a vagina’s tightness and help increase pelvic floor strength. Overall, the procedure can seem like it works miracles for many women, and the amount of procedures performed each year is increasing. However, not every woman is interested in or can opt for a surgical procedure, so they find themselves looking for other options. One option that has recently been gaining more and more popularity is Femilift. Femilift is known as the “non-surgical vaginoplasty,” with great results and satisfaction among many women who undergo the procedure. However, what exactly is Femilift, and is it safe for stress incontinence and vaginal laxity?
What Exactly is Femilift?
Femilift is a procedure that, unlike a vaginoplasty, does not need to be done under anesthesia and is completely non-invasive and non-surgical. Because of this, many more women find themselves drawn to it, and more women are candidates for this type of procedure.
Femilift is performed with the use of a CO2 laser and radiofrequency waves in order to help tighten the vaginal walls and strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which in turn can reduce urinary stress incontinence and help you get back to living your life to the fullest without having to worry about bladder leaks!
This might sound great, but you may be wondering exactly how it works. A CO2 laser wand is inserted into the vagina, and radiofrequency waves penetrate the skin, muscles, and tissue. This is completely painless, and most women report feeling a slight warming sensation during the procedure. This slight heat and radiofrequency waves help to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the tissues of the vaginal walls, which help make the surrounding tissues and muscles less lax and feel tighter.
What are the Benefits of Femilift Over Traditional Vaginoplasty?
Unlike traditional vaginoplasty, Femilift is completely non-surgical. This means it is more accessible to women since they needn’t worry about recovery time, downtime, missing work, or being unable to care for children. It also is painless, making it more appealing. The cost is also another factor for many women, as vaginoplasty procedures are not typically covered by insurance.
What About Safety – Is Femilift Safe?
When it comes to the question of safety, you can rest assured that Femilift is, in fact, very safe for women looking for non-surgical vaginal tightening. Since no anesthesia is needed, the risks and recovery period of Femilift are much different than a traditional vaginoplasty – practically zero. To top it off, the results from Femilift rival results from a conventional vaginoplasty – no incisions mean that there is nothing invasive about the procedure, allowing you to experience pain-free and recovery-free vaginal tightening that works!
Femilift for Stress Incontinence – Does it Work?
Another reason that many women seek out vaginoplasty procedures is because of stress incontinence. This is what happens when you experience bladder leaks when laughing, sneezing, or coughing. Stress incontinence can occur with age, after weight loss, during surgical procedures, or during childbirth. It is fairly common, and while vaginoplasty procedures are often recommended to help treat them, more and more doctors are choosing to use Femilift to help treat it. In fact, it is very effective and safe for treating stress incontinence and is often a first choice due to the ease with which it can be used and its accessibility.
If you would like to learn more about Femilift and how it can help you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we would be happy to help you by answering any questions you may have or if you need assistance scheduling an appointment!