Labiaplasty and Body Positivity: Navigating Cultural Norms and Self-Acceptance

It may come as no surprise that even in today’s day and age, many individuals may still find issues with women’s choices, their bodies, and how they view themselves. Because of this, it can be difficult for many women to navigate the world of body positivity and self-acceptance. In fact, many women suffer from body issues and a lack of positive thoughts about their own bodies. However, with the body positivity movement gaining more and more traction, it is allowing women to take more control over their own bodies more and more all the time. For example, surgical procedures such as labiaplasty were once taboo in nature, but now they are quite commonplace, allowing women to feel better about themselves, whether in the bedroom or engaging in everyday activities, such as swimming, working out, or focusing on their own mental health and well being. While it can still be tough to navigate the cultural norms regarding the body positivity movement and procedures like labiaplasty, it is becoming more accepted all the time.
What is a Labiaplasty?
A labiaplasty is a procedure that typically falls under the umbrella of cosmetic gynecology, although it can also be a procedure that has medical benefits. This procedure is a way to change the appearance of the labia majora, labia minora, or both at the same time, depending on the patient’s wishes. A labiaplasty is often done to help even up the labia, to shorten elongated labia, or to give the patient a better boost of self-confidence and self-acceptance by altering the labia the way they wish. A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure; it is done in an outpatient setting in a doctor’s office, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital. The procedure is often done while the patient is awake and conscious by using local anesthesia, although there are times when patients may choose general anesthesia in order to calm anxiety or make the procedure less stressful.
Why Do Women Get a Labiaplasty?
A labiaplasty procedure is done for a variety of reasons. Some women are looking to boost their self-confidence in and out of the bedroom. Other women are looking to help correct any cosmetic issues they may have with their labia, such as the labia being uneven or too large. Women who have labia that are too large may experience rubbing and chafing during exercise or activities, which can cause discomfort. Some women want a labiaplasty so that they look and feel better in the clothing that they wear. Others are looking to boost their sexual satisfaction. No matter the reason for a woman choosing a labiaplasty procedure, it is important, as a society, to view the procedure as important.
Labiaplasty and the Body Positivity Movement
While the procedure was once unheard of, it has gained an exceedingly impressive amount of momentum over the years, becoming more and more socially acceptable as a cultural norm in today’s world. For example, twenty years ago, you may not have heard women openly discussing any kind of surgical procedure they may have received on the labia or vagina; however, today, it is rather commonplace to hear such a conversation among peers. This is all thanks to cosmetic surgery becoming more acceptable over the years – due to the body positivity movement that makes procedures such as this acceptable.
Labiaplasty, as well as other cosmetic gynecological procedures, have only become increasingly popular thanks to this movement. It is becoming a normality in many cultures to have cosmetic work done, especially among women in their 30s and 40s. This age is seen as a crucial time to focus on their own bodies, wants, and needs, giving women the advantage to take care of themselves in a way that women of generations past may not have been able to. This, of course, gives them the advantage of self-acceptance and giving themselves a boost of self-confidence.
If you would like to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure or to set up an appointment for a consult, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help you!