What Causes Stretch Marks and What You Can You Do About Them

Stretch marks are small lines on your skin, which can be pale or bright pink, red, white, or even a pale gray color. These lines will typically appear without symptoms, but they can be itchy or sore from time to time, and this is completely normal. Stretch marks have a variety of causes and can appear even if you take good care of your skin, maintain your weight, and use creams to help get rid of them. However, one procedure, known as laser stretch mark reduction, can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks to help you feel more confident about your body.
What Causes Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks have a variety of causes and depending on which of those situations applies to you, it can be easy to pinpoint where they come from. While most people may think that stretch marks only come from pregnancy, they can appear from other causes, too. Some of these causes include:
- Pregnancy – Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of stretch marks, especially when your skin begins stretching to accommodate your growing baby.
- Rapid weight gain or weight loss – A sudden change in body weight is another reason stretch marks can occur. When you gain a significant amount of weight, your skin stretches, causing the stretch marks to appear. If you lose a lot of weight, your skin can also stretch, having the same effect.
- Growth spurts – Teenagers who have undergone a sudden growth spurt can develop stretch marks.
- Certain creams and medications – Creams and medications such as Corticosteroid creams and medications, can cause the skin to lose its ability to stretch, which can, in turn, lead to stretch marks on the skin.
- Adrenal Gland Conditions – Medical conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Crushing’s Syndrome, and Marfan’s Syndrome can reduce the amount of cortisone that is in the body, resulting in stretch marks.
What Can Be Done for Stretch Marks?
When faced with stretch marks, many people scour the lotions aisle of their favorite store to find something that can help reduce their appearance. With many different creams and ointments available, with promises of reduced stretch marks and prevention of stretch marks, it can be tempting to choose one of them to help. However, it is important to understand that there is absolutely no way to prevent stretch marks from occurring, even if you eat right and take care of your skin. Some ways to help treat stretch marks are:
- Collagen Creams – Creams such as Renova can work to treat stretch marks be restoring collagen back into the skin. This is best for recent stretch marks, and may not perform as well on older stretch marks.
- Microdermabrasion – This procedure basically uses tiny crystals in order to polish the skin, improving its appearance. This works well for older stretch marks, as well as newer ones, and will reveal more elastic skin.
- Over the counter creams – If you are hoping to try over the counter creams, it is important to note that most of these do not have an impact on the reduction of stretch marks, although they can work to help relieve dry skin and itching in the area.
- Laser Stretch Mark Reduction – Laser stretch mark reduction is a laser procedure that can reduce the appearance of stretch marks, both old and new.
Laser Stretch Mark Reduction
Laser Stretch Mark Reduction is a procedure that uses a fractional ablative radio-frequency pixel laser, which helps light waves to reach into the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin growth. The treatment is pain-free and can be used on any area of the body. While you might need several treatments to get dramatic results, these treatments usually last around thirty minutes and will give your skin a boost in appearance, too. The procedure has virtually no downtime, and you can resume your daily activities right away.
If you are interested in learning more about Laser Stretch Mark Reduction therapy or to find out if you would be an ideal candidate for the procedure, contact Dr. Ghozland today.