ThermiVa Can Help Fix Urinary Incontinence

Does urine leak out when you laugh too hard? Or maybe when you jump around at the gym? You’re not alone. Childbirth and age can permanently stretch out vaginal muscles, which may lead to urinary incontinence. That’s why it’s such a common condition among women.
While “do some kegel exercises” seems to be the go-to answer many women receive when mentioning this issue, there is one less time-consuming and more effective option called ThermiVa.
What is ThermiVa?
Vaginal rejuvenation to heal urinary incontinence? While we may think of this surgery as a cosmetic fix, it can actually alleviate many of the medical issues associated with vaginal laxity. Using a wand-like instrument and radiofrequency technology, ThermiVa applies heat to the vaginal walls and the labia majora and minora.
The radiofrequency waves of this breakthrough technology promote tightening and collagen synthesis. The FDA-approved applicator targets various vaginal areas internally and externally, which in turn brings life back into atrophied muscles, tissues and nerves. An outpatient, virtually pain-free procedure, most women are out the door after a half hour.
Unlike some of the other treatments available there is no downtime associated with ThermiVa and patients can resume all normal activity immediately following the procedure.
That means patients can exercise and have sexual intercourse that very same day.
How long do the results last?
Most physicians recommend a series of three treatments in a three-month span. Outcomes vary, with some patients seeing immediate results and others noticing the improvements a few months following ThermiVa.
After the initial three treatments, most patients don’t have to return for a touch-up until a year later.
Why ThermiVa?
For women struggling with urinary incontinence looking for a nonsurgical option, ThermiVa may be the answer. In addition, this treatment has the added bonus of increasing sensitivity during sexual intercourse and decreasing yeast or urinary infections.
Wondering if ThermiVa is right for you? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Ghozland today.