Thread Lift Pre and Post-Care: What You Should Know

A PDO thread lift can be a wonderful thing for someone who is looking for surgical facelift results without having actually to go through the surgical procedure. The thread lift procedure is safer and easier and can deliver fantastic results if cared for properly. It is important to understand how to properly care for your skin before and after the thread lift procedure, and we will discuss some important information regarding before care and aftercare.
What is a Thread Lift?
A thread lift is a procedure involving the use of dissolvable polydioxanone sutures being inserted into the skin via a needle, which will then adhere to tissues inside the skin to help keep facial skin lifted and looking younger and more radiant. This can be done on a variety of areas on the face and body and is a great way to help restore the more youthful look that many women and men crave, without actually having to resort to a surgical facelift.
Pre-Care for a Thread Lift Procedure
When it comes to pre-care for your upcoming thread-lift procedure appointment, it is important to take care of yourself and your skin. It is also important to talk to your doctor about anything that may be relevant to the procedure.
- Arrive at least ten minutes early to complete paperwork.
- Discuss the procedure in full with your doctor.
- Inform your doctor about any medications you are currently taking. Blood-thinning medications may cause excessive bruising with the procedure, and if possible, it may need to be discontinued for a few days before the thread lift procedure.
- Do not wear makeup on the day of your procedure.
- Avoid alcohol for at least twenty-four hours before getting the thread lift procedure done.
Post-Care for a Thread Lift Procedure
Caring for your skin after a thread lift procedure is incredibly important. Not only can it have an impact on how the site heals, but it can also prevent you from getting an infection or having issues with the thread lift results.
Here are some things that can be done to promote proper healing and a healthy recovery:
- Avoid heavy lifting after the treatment. Instead, try to relax as much as possible.
- Be sure to take your pain medication if you feel any pain at the site of the procedure. This is normal and will typically begin to reside after a few days, but medications such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen can help combat the pain.
- Try to schedule dentist appointments so that they are at least two or three weeks after the date of your thread lift procedure.
- Take a break from heavy exercise until you have healed.
- Avoid alcohol for at least seven days.
- Keep your head elevated while in bed, and be sure to keep it at a 45-degree angle at least.
- Stay away from chewing gum and drinking through a straw for a few weeks.
- Keep your aftercare appointment.
- If something seems wrong, or the pain doesn’t subside at least a bit after the first week, be sure to call the doctor.
If you want to learn more about a PDO Thread Lift procedure in the Los Angeles area, please call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!