Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty: What You Should Know

From childbirth and aging to good old genetics, many factors can cause the vagina to lose its shape. Thankfully, when the elasticity doesn’t spring back in the vaginal muscles, there are some medical interventions that can help.
What’s the Difference?
The word “vagina” is often used to describe many areas that aren’t actually the vagina. The vagina is the canal that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body while the labia is the skin surrounding the clitoris and the vaginal opening.
What are the Two Procedures?
Many women who aren’t happy with the look of their vagina point out that their labia minora is protruding or saggy. And it’s not just a physical appearance issue for everyone. When those muscles become permanently stretched out it can lead to discomfort during daily activities. For some women exercise is difficult, tight clothing is uncomfortable and sex becomes less enjoyable when the vaginal muscles are stretched out.
Both vaginoplasty and labiaplasty are procedures that surgically tighten and reshape the labia. The most common surgery involves removing the edge of the labia, which tends to leave less of a visible scar. Labiaplasty is a good option for women interested in reshaping their vagina.
For women with a loose vagina, usually from childbirth or aging, vaginoplasty is often the preferred method. This procedure will tighten the opening of the vagina and the surrounding areas.
What’s the Recovery Like?
Most women can return to work within a week and resume their normal activities but should hold off on exercise and sex until six weeks after surgery. Complications are rare but may include scarring, loss of sensation or pain.
Interested in learning more about vaginoplasty and labiaplasty? Contact Dr. Ghozland to schedule a consultation.