What is a Monsplasty or “Pubic Lift”?

With a lot of different cosmetic procedures available to women, genital cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular. With vaginoplasty and labiaplasty procedures becoming more and more popular, you’re also going to notice a Monsplasty procedure coming onto the scene. A Monsplasty, also known as a “Pubic Lift,” offers women the ability to change the appearance of her mons pubis area.
Monsplasty is a form of vaginal rejuvenation that is gaining in popularity, and with good reason: this permanent procedure can shape the mons pubis area how you want it to appear, giving you back confidence and self-esteem.
What is a Monsplasty?
The mons pubis is the small, fatty area that is directly above the genitals and the purpose of this area is to protect the pubic bone from any injuries. While the appearance of the mons pubis may not be something of concern for some women, others may not be happy with the way it looks. For women who would like to change the look of their mons pubis, a monsplasty can be beneficial.
Why Do Women Want a Monsplasty?
There are a large variety of reasons that women may want to consider a monsplasty. The area around the pubic bone can change for a plethora of reasons, including age, pregnancy, childbirth and weight gain, which can all cause the mons pubis are to begin to sag. When this happens, it can interfere with a lot of daily activities, such as being able to properly enjoy sex, urinate, or find clothes that comfortably fit. While exercise and weight loss can often help to reduce the amount of fat in the area, in some cases, a little assistance may be needed. This is where a monsplasty comes handy, as it can correct the issue by giving the area the desired appearance.
How is a Pubic Lift Performed?
A monsplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia, but if it is being done in conjunction with other procedures, it can often be performed under general anesthesia, depending on the work being done. First, fatty tissue from other areas of the body are extracted – such as from the hips, abdomen, and thighs. Next, the tissue is placed under a small incision at the top of the pubic area and injected into the area. The muscles in the mons pubis area are tightened to help create a firmer look to the area.
Recovery Time
The recovery time following a monsplasty treatment is not long at all – typically anywhere from as little as three days to a week a the most. After the procedure, you should avoid heavy lifting for up to three weeks. A slight pain can occur and is normal.
If you are interested in learning more about the monsplasty procedure or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ghozland, call the office today!