Combining the P-Shot with Other Treatments for Comprehensive Men’s Health

Taking care of your health, both physically and mentally, is one of the best things that you can do not only for yourself but for those around you, as well. When you feel well, you are much happier and able to do the things that you enjoy doing. As is the case for all medical concerns, taking care of yourself is important to your overall well-being. So, when it comes to being a male suffering from erectile dysfunction or other sexual concerns, it can be a bit daunting to bring it up to a medical professional, but ultimately necessary in order to maintain your overall health. One of the treatments that are gaining more and more popularity for helping men stay on top of their health is something called the P-Shot. The P-Shot can be used as an effective treatment on its own, but it can also be combined with other methods to help create a personalized treatment plan.
What is the P-Shot?
The P-shot, which is also known as the Priapus shot, is a form of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy that is done using the patient’s own plasma from their bloodstream. The blood is drawn from the patient, placed into a centrifuge, and when the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood, it is injected back into the specific area – in this case, the penis. While this might sound scary, it really is not a painful experience – the area is numbed beforehand so that the only sensations that are felt during the procedure is a slight pressure when the PRP is injected back into the penis. After the injection, a penis pump is used for about fifteen minutes. The P-Shot is a highly effective procedure that can help to increase blood flow to the penis, which in turn can help provide longer, firmer erections. It can also cause a slight increase in penis size. Overall, the P-Shot can bring about better confidence and self-esteem for men in the bedroom, with increased sensitivity for them and the ability to last longer with their partner.
Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Shockwave therapy is an effective treatment that involves the use of high-frequency sound waves delivered to the penile area to help increase blood flow and improve tissue. This treatment is a non-invasive, pain-free way to help treat ED, and it has shown very promising results. A handheld device is used over the penis, delivering sound waves that will stimulate the growth of blood vessels and help repair and rejuvenate tissue in the penis. With just a few repeat sessions, men may begin to notice results, including increased sensitivity, better sexual stamina, increased blood flow to the penis, and restored function. This treatment does not require any numbing or anesthesia and has no downtime or side effects. The treatment does, however, often take several repeated 15-20 minute sessions in order to achieve results.
Combining Shockwave Therapy with the P-Shot
Although both of these treatments can be effective on their own, given time, combining them can treat even the most difficult cases. For others, combining the two treatments can help enhance their effects, allowing for better results than just choosing to use one treatment alone. The two treatments work hand in hand to bring about lasting results such as increased blood flow, heightened sensitivity, and better sexual function.
Are The Treatments Painful?
When it comes to Shockwave therapy, most men do not experience any pain. However, a warm, tingling sensation can often be felt during therapy. With the P-Shot, the area is numbed, so the only discomfort that is typically felt is from the pressure when the plasma is injected. You may also experience a pinch and a slight pain when the blood is drawn from the arm, as well.
If you would like to learn more about Erectile Dysfunction, including treatments such as the P-Shot, Shockwave Therapy, and the combination treatment of the two that can help provide long-lasting results to combat ED, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to get you set up for an appointment.