Labia Puffing vs. Tightening Exercises: Which Is Right for You?

When it comes to the labia (both labia majora and minora), every woman is different. The labia come in all shapes and sizes, and while all of this is normal, it can often cause some concerns among women as to whether it looks as though it should. For some women, the labia and surrounding area might seem “baggy” or “loose,” which can make women seek out ways to tighten the area. Many times, women may opt for ways that they can correct this. One such way that many women might think to try is vaginal tightening exercises. However, for others, labia puffing is a way to treat these concerns. While many women may automatically think of labiaplasty as the way to go when it comes to changing the appearance of the labia, did you know that a labia puffing procedure may be a better option for you?
What Causes a Loose Labia?
A “loose” labia, or one that can be described as “saggy” or “baggy.” is often the result of one or more factors. These factors include things such as aging, hormones, childbirth, and extreme weight loss. Another thing that can affect the elasticity and volume of the labia is menopause; when a woman enters menopause, her estrogen levels drop, causing her skin to become less elastic and full-looking than before. These things can change the elasticity of the labia and, in turn, can cause a loss of volume.
What Are Tightening Exercises, and How Can They Help?
Tightening exercises include those types of exercises known as kegel exercises. These can be done anywhere at any time and work well to tighten the vagina and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This is a great way to help tighten up the inside of the vagina, but it does not work as well to tighten the labia majora and labia minora. While it may help to tone certain areas, they do not often work well for other areas. In this case, it may be best to consider other options and look to see what can be beneficial to you.
What is Labia Puffing?
Labia puffing, also known as a labial fat graft, is a procedure that is gaining more and more popularity all the time. The reason is a good one – it does a phenomenal job when it comes to evening out the labia and making it appear fuller and plump. This procedure is quick and rather simple, and it offers results that can change the way your entire labia looks (both the labia majora and labia minora). Labia puffing is perfect for a “saggy” or “loose” labia.
How Does Labia Puffing Work?
Labia puffing works by taking fat tissue from other areas of the body (such as the buttocks, abdomen, or thighs) and injecting it into the labia. The fat tissue is collected in small syringes, and then it is injected into the areas of the labia that require puffing. There is no downtime with the procedure, and it is minimally invasive, meaning you can return to your daily activities quickly and without a lengthy recovery time. This minor surgical procedure is a fantastic way to get the labia that you want – and if you choose to use your own fat tissue instead of a traditional filler, you do not have to worry about any rejection.
Is Labia Puffing Better Than Tightening Exercises?
When it comes to making your labia appear fuller and plump instead of “saggy,” the best choice would be to choose a labia puffing procedure. Tightening exercises are better suited for helping to tighten the vaginal muscles that are inside the vagina, as well as strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. They are not very effective when it comes to plumping up the labia. However, the labia puffing procedure has been designed to do just that: puff up the labia. Because of this, it is quite clear what the better choice is when it comes to making your labia appear fuller.
If you would like to learn more about the labia puffing procedure or schedule a consultation, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help!