Vaginal Exercises That Aren’t Just Kegels

We all know the importance of Kegels, including why you should practice them. Kegels are the kinds of exercises you do to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to help with urinary incontinence as well as vaginal tightening. Kegels are easy enough; it’s mostly about finding the time to remember to do them regularly and actually keep up with it!
If you’re doing tons of Kegels and are looking for other vaginal exercises that you can try, don’t fret; there are actually a few other exercises you can add to your routine!
Hip Bridges
The first exercise you can do to really benefit the pelvic area is to lift your hips or make “hip bridges.”
For hip bridges, lie your back flat on the floor with your knees bent, push your hips off the floor to create a bridge with your back. Breathe properly and count to two, and then slowly bring your hips and back down. Do about twenty (or less, depending on your fitness level) once a day. Not only does this strengthen your back muscles and tone up your glutes, using a foam yoga block between your thighs while doing these, you will find that the extra strength needed will also involve the vaginal and pelvic area!
Squats are great exercises with tons of benefits for many parts of the body – calves, thighs, glutes, abs – as well as the pelvic region. These squats don’t even need any special equipment – using just your body weight to perform them is enough to be beneficial, although if you’re already using kettlebells or medicine balls when doing squats, go for it! Standing with your feet about a little more than shoulder-width apart (generally a bit wider apart than hips), use your knees to bend like you are going to sit down, bringing your arms around to the front. Slowly make your way back up, keeping pelvic floor muscles engaged while doing so. Doing about 10 or 20 of these every day will have you seeing results in no time!
Leg Lifts
If you’re doing leg lifts, lie down on the floor, flat on your back. Doing this on a soft rug or even a yoga mat makes it more comfortable. Lift one leg up, keeping it raised while counting to ten, breathing steadily. Lower the leg and then raise the other one, repeating the process. Use caution not to arch your back, and keep your pelvic muscles engaged throughout the exercises. Try to get up to ten leg lifts per leg. If you are new to this exercise, you can start with only lifting your leg slightly, and work your way up.
Vaginal Tightening in Los Angeles
While vaginal exercises can do wonders for strengthening the pelvic floor, some women may look for a solution to restore the tissue down there. Vaginal tightening or the Femilift is a non-surgical procedure which helps restore muscle strength and elasticity.
To learn more about vaginal tightening or other treatment options, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!