The Truth About Vampire Facials

It’s the season of ghosts, ghouls, and trick-or-treats, so it seems fitting to discuss a procedure nicknamed the “Vampire Facial”.
Despite its scary-sounding moniker, this elective cosmetic therapy doesn’t involve any blood-sucking from that ubiquitous vampire Dracula and isn’t painful or invasive. So, what exactly is it?
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRPT) is an anti-aging treatment that involves using the patient’s own blood. After taking a small amount of blood from their arm, the blood is filtered to separate out the platelets. These microscopic blood cells, which play an essential role in repairing blood vessels and cells, are then injected into the face.
The platelet injections are done with tiny needles, like those used for acupuncture or Botox. Since platelets heal wounds and bruises, Vampire Facials have been shown to repair and revitalize skin, particularly the face, and give it a more youthful appearance.
And those not-so-fine lines and crow’s feet? Patients should expect to see all of that, and more, disappear after this treatment. The best part? Vampire Facials are quick and require zero downtime. Patients can literally plan to pop in during their lunch break for the 30-minute procedure. For optimal results, it’s recommended to have three treatments.
Come to think of it, the vampires on True Blood did have quit the youthful appearance. Perhaps it’s the lack of sun or maybe they know a little something about warding off wrinkles that doesn’t require garlic. Don’t wait until next Halloween to learn their secret! Contact Dr. Ghozland at 310-393-9359 today to find out today if a Vampire Facial is the right treatment for you.